Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Cats



The cats have left the house,

one by one.

                              They came in groups too. 

first the lone mother,

                                                                   and then one day, 

her litter,

                         of four.

                                   One of them died, shortly after birth,

                                                         without a wail or a whimper.

Just lay there still. I thought the mother was eating this one, till I saw she was just internalizing this one, for whom the exterior of her mother's body had been harsh, unlivable, cold and cruel?

We disposed the dead kitten--we the humans in the mother cat's life. In the

                                             end, that house stands aloof, unlived, and cold.

                                                     All the cats have left.

Same Old Me: Newly Minted Author!

 All the stars aligned, and here we are: Available Globally on Amazon: